Thursday, January 22, 2009

Attentively going to school

Mehdi Dehghan (Amirkabir University of Technology, Iran) was a graduate student at the Department of Applied Mathematics in the University of Adelaide in the early 1990s. I met him in 1992 during my visit to Adelaide. He was working on the finite-difference method for the numerical solution of the two-dimensional diffusion equation with non-local conditions. Some years later in 1997, when he was in the organizing committee of the 29th Iranian Mathematics Conference, he proposed to the Iranian Mathematical Society to invite me as one of the seven international speakers at the conference. His proposal was accepted and I found myself flying to Tehran in the spring of 1998. In Tehran, we were accommodated at the Enghelab Hotel and had our "kebab" dinner everyday in a rotating restaurant on top of the hotel! If I remembered correctly, I was told that the revolution that toppled the Shah government in the 1970s started at the street in front of the hotel and the word "enghelab" meant "revolution".To my surprise, I saw many Chinese and eastern European guests at the hotel. I was later informed the Chinese were mainly visiting technicians and engineers as Iran bought its airplanes from China. Visit to some shops revealed that Iran imported most of its electronic goods from Malaysia. The Iranians told me that they dubbed Malaysia the "Land of Electronics" (another surprise for me). After my visit to Tehran, I started looking at development of various boundary element procedures for solving the diffusion equation subject to non-classical conditions, such as specification of mass. [Back to List] Jan

Lol, getting to read this from the link of this semester linear algebra professor's homepage.There are plenty names in the page I view but somehow I just stop at Mehdi and read the entire paragraph. It's a big surprise even to a Malaysian as what it's highlighted. Maybe I was not so concerned about what my motherland doing so far.

A gap in MP2005 tutorial class.
It's tutorial 2, my first tutorial for fluid though, and the tutor is a nice guy in way of teaching or communicating with students. He proceed to every students sitting behind and asked whether we had done our tutorial while having student cleaning the whiteboard. "Better catch up harr.." Well, my name was miss out in the attendance list and so I added in at the page end. As one of the new students in the list, I was asked on a fluid question, mainly about the horizontal force on question 4. Zero, as what I had answered but the gap was not about the fluid question but the question he asked later on. "You are from other tutorial group?" "No, I have already registered it before..." "Then what happen the first column is empty harr?" "Because I didn't come last week." Okay, not a joke but people in the class just break into laughter. "Well, a brilliant answer for a stupid question...bla bla"

Today was another sozai day for me. Going to south spine from north spine just to have the fundamental of management tutorial. However, the class was empty and light off at the time I reached. Swt, is it I reach earlier or what? Took out the time table... Tutorial for business management only falls on week 2,4,6,8,10,12. Oh yea, I can go SRC for a so called IG bball training but instead of proper training, we just playing around like 4v4. Should have gone for a swim. Meanwhile, sorry for FFK my business management partner. Really can fall asleep after adding him in msn and waiting for like 5 minutes? GG.

Back to sleep.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


From: Lee Yong Tsui
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 10:48:25 AM
To: Lee Ka Man, Carman (Asst Prof); #NG YAO ZHONG#
Subject: Mentoring Ng Yao Zhong
Auto forwarded by a Rule

Hi Carman,

I have just met Ng Yao Zhong, who is your mentee.

He looks like a capable student but have fallen on a bad batch, and did very badly in the last semester, mainly due to neglect of his work.

In speaking to him, I can see that he can do well but need to concentrate on his studies. Can you please meet and counsel him from time to time over the semester. He needs some push and encouragement in order not to lapse into the easy way of neglecting his studies.

Perhaps you can meet up with him soon.



这 里什么都不缺,缺的是一个稳定的因子。常说,借口是人给自己达不到理想的安慰。那为什么人需要被安慰呢?也许,人总是害怕被谴责,人的世界太复杂,年龄的 增长会使你的决定不容许任何的错误。可能错了,就无法再继续了,人的一生会有多少次重来。却,世俗观念的对与错取决于人数多寡。很多人说这样是错的,就是 错的了,所以被谴责,被遗留。

我尊重多人的意见,但是不代表我认同多人的衡量尺度。 这是活在自己圈圈的一句话,但我还是会根据多人或别人的意见去行事,只因为我尊重每个人的想法。每一次走在人群中,视线总是关闭的,就当一个平淡的旅人, 偶然走过这个世界。春节的天空是蔚蓝的,风是徐徐的,今年的春节不打算回家,留在这里打点一切重新出发的情绪。别问我为什么,我很难给一个合乎多人想法的 诠释。我只是把我大脑传达的信息付诸于行动,仅此而已。

今天打球简直就像个萎曲了的 蚯蚓,软瘪瘪。经过初步的统计,丢失了三个2分,两个3分,两个传球失误,一个被抄球,几个撞人犯规,并且让盯守的人拿了一个3分,一个2分,是的,控球 权到我的手上就要少一点点姜咯。其实在我脑里是有很多战略的,却不懂要怎样表达出来,想着想着的时候球就不懂跑去哪里了。拿下五六个篮板,却没有做好 blockshot。ok啦,很晒,很大风,很没有体力,很不会打球。算了,还是听妈妈的话,“读好书以后也是你的,不是我的。”那天很努力地醒来就在门 外等leeyongtsui一个小时多,也许我是个很有耐心的人,可能我没有回复yes所以他去开会一个小时才回来。边玩叠砖块边等,玩了一个小时后再以 一个烂学生的状态和教授进行了一段坦白的对话。"They say yes to me then everything goes worse at the end."最后他给我overload了一个maths3。据说他很惊讶我的maths4可以拿甲上,所以才给我maths3。其实我为什么要现在急着 clear那么多呢,以后也可以overload的他说,还讲考的好的学生直接给他过。还有一段距离啦。



Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 oh yea~

YES.. shift to msnspace..

fan jian de ren~
going back kl later